Winterberry Christmas Tree Farm
The freshest Christmas tree is the one you see being cut down!

Location and Directions
Winterberry Christmas Tree Farm is located at
95 Stagecoach Road, Tinicum Township, Pipersville, PA.
The farm sits between East Dark Hollow Road and Stagecoach Road, with the field trees located off Stagecoach Road.
From Route 32 (River Road) turn onto Stagecoach Road and drive one mile to our farm gate. If you turn onto East Dark Hollow Road, travel approximately one mile, turn right onto Stagecoach Road and drive about one-third mile to our farm gate.
From 413 and 611 simply turn onto Dark Hollow Road (across from the Piper Tavern). Travel four and one half miles, go past the Tinicum Elementary School, continue about one-half mile turn and left onto Stagecoach Road and drive about one-third mile to our farm gate.

Click here for Map Quest directions to Winterberry Christmas Tree Farm