Winterberry Christmas Tree Farm
The freshest Christmas tree is the one you see being cut down!

The Tree Farm Experience
Tree Farm Tips
Be sure to dress warmly and always wear boots.
Select a tree that suits your needs. Keep in mind the location in your home, your type of ornaments and the length of time you will keep your tree up.
In the “great outdoors” the sky is the ceiling; trees appear smaller than they actually are.

About Christmas Tree Farms
Tree farms stabilize soil, protect water supplies and provide refuge for wildlife while creating scenic green belts.
Real Christmas trees absorb carbon dioxide and other gases to create fresh oxygen. One acre of Christmas trees produces the daily oxygen requirements for 18 people.
For every real Christmas tree harvested, an average of three seedlings are planted in its place.
Caring for Real Christmas Trees
The most important thing to remember is that real trees need water! It is especially important this year due to the summer drought.
Facts on the care of your tree suggested by the National Christmas Tree Association can be found at realchristmastrees.org, then click the tab
"All About Trees" and then "Care Tips".